Saturday, September 30, 2006

Wedding Day!

Wedding Day

I woke up thinking, “I’m getting married today”. This only happens once in a lifetime. Nate and I got up early and made breakfast with all the folks who were camped out in the apple orchard. There wasn' t too much that needed to get done--Nate and I had finally finished our vows (finally) yesterday at a coffee shop in Fortuna.

We were still feeling the afterglow of the night before. All the wedding guests had come out for a beach stroll and pizza in Ferndale afterward. At one point Nate and I just stood together looking out at everyone. We thought, “How did we get so lucky?” That night we’d all sat around the fire pit in the back yard telling stories and seriously laughing our asses off. My parents and Em were there and Nick was on a roll. Shandy, Nate's cousin, had to defend his male status to Anna who was convinced he was a girl. I think she kept calling him a her and finally as he got up to leave declared, “I’m a boy!” to which Anna replied, “No your not honey.”

All the men put up the Pagoda (tent thing) that morning. We were trying to figure out where to put the dance floor and a million other things. It was so busy. The rest of that morning was a blur. I remember friends and family rallying around us. Everything transformed and we didn’t have to delegate at all. Many of the aunts and cousins hung flowers on the back deck. Andy and Nick led the charge with hanging lights among the redwoods. Everyone wanted it to be beautiful for us and that was the best gift. Nick was nice a chipped out the initials of Nate and his ex on the cement patio by the garage door (because he knew it made me cringe).

Nate and I connected a few times. One of those times was when Andy, Jonas, Anna, Nate, and I went on a run down to the river. Jonas started acting like a spaz, which is pretty much what you expect from Jonas, and was running like an epileptic turkey. Unfortunately, he twisted his knee and had to hobble back to the hourse. When we got down to the Van Duzen River, about a mile from Nate's house, I remember standing in al little huddle talking about our carbon footprints and what it would mean if all our loved ones lived a little closer…probably silly to think of, but I think I was just amazed that so many people had traveled so far for the wedding.

We started to get ready around 2. The caterers, DJ, and florist arrived. Nate and I saw each other many times before the ceremony. Lot’s of hugs and hand squeezes. I had a crew in the bedroom with me primping and chatting. Had some wine, too. Em sprayed some kind of herbal tension tamer on my face…it turned my face red. Opposite effect I guess.

Then it was time to emerge. No mystery. Went out in full dress and mingled before the ceremony. Greeted guests, fastened corsages and boutonnières. Nate and I took another moment behind the house before we walked out to the ceremony. We were clutching each other. We walked out. Nick had been playing the guitar. We entered a circle of loved ones and a circle of flower petals on the grass in the front yard. We stood under a birch tree and two rustic metal hearts hung above our heads. It wasn’t cold but it wasn’t hot. I kept scanning the crowd, locking eyes with people and smiling. Anna and Jonas began to speak. I actually felt a twitch develop around my mouth for the first few minutes. It wasn’t until there was some serious laughter that I was like ahhhhh…I’m glad we recorded the ceremony because all I remember are the emotions. Feeling very true and very loved and very happy. There were people all around but I felt locked in with Nate.

Gus was there at our feet. Em and Mika held the rings. The vows were beautiful. The most vivid colors were spring green and white for me. My flowers were the most beautiful arrangement of color I’d ever seen. We cried and laughed and kissed! Anna had to tell us to wait to kiss a few times.

After, there were many pictures. I actually cut it off after awhile because I heard music begin to play and all I could think about was DANCING!

Food followed, then cake. We went for smashing it in each other’s faces (of course). Nate had cheesecake and I had chocolate decadence. Bud and Dad gave toasts and we honored P and J (their 59th anniversary!) The alcohol began to flow. Nate and I hit the dance floor. We had our first dance to “Nate’s Song” I still don’t know the real name but it’s by Fleetwood Mac. I don’t think I left the dance floor after that unless I needed to go to the bathroom or request Funky Cold Medina. DJ Mario did his best. Oh DJ Mario. At least Nate was good about connecting with the guests.

I sprained my ankle at one point and was in complete denial. Complete denial. I also smoked a cigar and choked on it…one of Nate’s favorite moments captured on film. Friends and family were dancing until the music stopped that night. Nate twirled me around and helped me jump really high by lifting me in the air as I jumped. Gus and Coby were doing laps around the floor. Gus concluded the night with a tail chasing session in the middle of the dance floor. Priceless.

We all went and sat by the fire until none of us could keep our eyes open. I didn’t want to take off my dress because I knew it would be the last time I’d wear it. It was filthy.

I woke up the next day a married woman with a very swollen ankle.


Married Jess

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