Thursday, November 22, 2007


I’m sitting in our living room enjoying quiet time. Nate and Nick are playing Stratego and Gus is at my feet. I’ve got one of those pore-refining masks on my face, which Nate thinks is totally bizarre!

Today we got up early and drive to Joe’s Valley outside of Price, UT. I thought it was going to be a valley with huge boulders interspaced throughout, but really, it’s a lot like the pull over by the side of the road bouldering here in SLC. I did only two problems but I had fun with the two. Nate and Nick did like 7 and rocked them all. It was cold, but we were able to find a little sunspot and drink a Pete’s Wicked Ale (my new favorite beer!) before we left.

I’ve talked to the family. Got passed around. This morning over a greasy breakfast Nate recalled the first Thanksgiving we spent together. It was on the Havasupai AO trip. Havasupai is one of the most amazing places I’d ever been, but on Thanksgiving night we were making our way back and stopped at a Denny’s to eat. I cried into my Dagwood. Nate comforted me but probably thought I was a nut. I just missed my family, for it was the first time I’d been away on a holiday.

We are thinking about having rubber pasta for dinner. Otherwise, I want to either read my book, or watch a movie on TV.

Today I bought an Advent Calendar like the one grandma used to buy us every year. I bought one for Em too that I’ll send to her. I’ve been meaning to write down some thoughts about Grandma so that I don’t forget little things about her. The thrift store, her love of raisin and nut chocolate, her Yorkshire pud and pancakes cooked in bacon fat. The smell of her sheets, the Cinderella book and her toy bin. The ways she kept her perfume on a mirror and that puff ball with talc in her guest bathroom with bright orange towels. The scary artwork and the sound of monkey’s paws on the linoleum. The bar and how Em and I used to play restaurant there. Grethchen and her bags of clothes. The knomes. The swimming pool that felt like the secret
garden. The bells above her back door. The way she always looked her best. That’s a start. I’m glad I remember those things.

Last night was fun. Matt and Nick and I ate roasted garlic, drank mulled wine, painted, and played Stratego while listening to good music. My favorite kind of evening.

Ok, on to the next thing.


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