Monday, July 21, 2008

Slim Shady Wall

Andy, Jess, and I cruised up to Slim Shady Wall yesterday to check out a newly developed crag in Teton Canyon. Lots of good climbing. It needs to get climbed a fair bit more, but at least it's not polished.

Andy was in a weird spot.  Two days ago I saw him up in the Tetons, guiding a group of clients up the Grand.  That evening, the guide he was working with, George, fell while soloing and died. Andy discovered the body the following morning.  Andy had just met him a couple days previous to that, but took an instant liking to the man.  He said that George reminded him of Pete Absolon, in a way, and that he thought maybe he had found a new mentor, the way Pete served as a mentor before his death.

It was good to climb, and talk, and enjoy each others' company.  My best to George's family. From everything I've heard, he was an incredible human being.  

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