Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fly Hunting

It's almost fly season.

This means that wife and dog will be doing there best to rid our home of houseflies. Although normally killing flies involves a swatter, fly tape or insecticide, in our case the killer has four legs and a tail.

In a weird sort bonding ritual, my wife and dog enjoy hunting houseflies together. Jess points them out and gets them to fly around. Then Gus goes after them aggressively, jumping on the furniture and banging his muzzle against the windows and walls in an effort to smash/eat/destroy the fly. The bigger the fly, the more intense both Jess and Gus get. The game can last indefinitely, when either the fly meets the "muzzle of doom" or finds a corner in the house so remote that Jess land Gus both lose track of it.

Gus has gotten pretty good at picking out flies that are sitting still on the wall. He hops and dances and barks at them to get them to fly around. When we're in the thick of fly hunting season, and Gus is on high alert, I like to take a pencil and draw flies on the wall. Then watch Gus go nuts. Jess nearly pees she's laughing so hard.

Life is always amusing...

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