Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wind River Mountaineering Seminar

In late August I taught a mountaineering seminar for NOLS in the Wind Rivers with Josh Beckner. Nick Storm was able to come in for a couple days to help teach as well. It's a dream working with two folks on this contract.

Seminars are designed for NOLS instructors to increase their technical skills in different arenas. This one, being a mountaineering seminar, gave folks a chance to practice ice, snow, and rock climbing skills. There were 10 participants.

Over the 11 days, we climbed many different routes, from snow couliours on Fremont Peak to rock routes on Ellingwood Peak to a whole-course ascent of Gannett Peak.

The seminar was rescue-intensive, and nearly every day we were able to focus on rescue skills to some extent.

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